
The Changing Time of Adolescence

The Changing Time of Adolescence

Adolescent  is a Latin word meaning to grow up or nearing maturity.  Anyone who actually has an adolescent in their house will be tickled to know that the word is very closely related to alere, another Latin word meaning to eat.  Whereas the word teenager simply...

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Thought Labeling Helps Us Slow Down

Thought Labeling Helps Us Slow Down

Have you ever had a thought and wondered, “Where did that come from?” or feel something and say to yourself, “What’s all that about?” Many Catholics who struggle with scrupulosity will quickly conclude that they are guilty of sin because of the content of their...

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What is Emotion?

What is Emotion?

The history of what we mean by the word Emotion is a fascinating example of the variety of meanings, and changing hierarchy of importance among the different meanings, a word can have. Emotion is based on a Latin conjunction of ex movere or to move out but is first...

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