Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States, and the leading cause of death among adolescents. On today’s show we take a look at what motivates one to think about and attempt suicide. We will also consider some of the treatments for suicidal...
Different Kinds of Therapists, Imagination, and Raising Teens
Join me this week as I distinguish some of the major differences between the various kinds of therapists, I also examine what Aristotle says about the imagination, and I talk to my friends Raymond and Nicole Tittmann about what it’s like to raise Catholic Teens.
Parental Insights in Raising Catholic Teenagers | Guest Post for
Parents need to only have a newborn in their house for a few weeks before they hear people say, “Just wait till they are teens!” It is axiomatic in our culture that the teenage years are full of rebellion and strife for the family. I was a high school teacher for 5...
Raising Teens
Enjoy this recap episode of the Color Of Thought Podcast and be sure to become a Patron of the Color of Thought in order to keep more episodes coming your way!
The Role of Mentors in a Teens Life
It is no revelation to parents that adolescents – teenagers – require different parenting skills than younger children do. This is never more apparent than when the adolescent, raised in a family with a clearly articulated morality rejects this in favor of the...
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