How do I change? Change requires a knowledge of the end and the and the means to that end. Join me as I consider this and digress about treating grief and loss!
Mental Health
How to identify OCD Triggers
How do we identify our OCD triggers? What is a trigger? Are they always external to us? Find out the answers to these questions on today’s episode of the podcast. Resources: Here is the Mayo Clinics description of OCD Here are some thoughts from the International OCD...
Suicidal Ideation
Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States, and the leading cause of death among adolescents. On today’s show we take a look at what motivates one to think about and attempt suicide. We will also consider some of the treatments for suicidal...
What is Emotion?
The history of what we mean by the word Emotion is a fascinating example of the variety of meanings, and changing hierarchy of importance among the different meanings, a word can have. Emotion is based on a Latin conjunction of ex movere or to move out but is first...
Is Mindfulness Compatible with Catholicism?
Mindfulness Meditation and books like Mindsight by Dr. Dan Siegel have received, especially among psychiatric circles, much attention in recent years. Even the Simpsons and South Park have, in their unique ways, made reference to Mindfulness in their latest seasons....
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