
Choosing Lenten Penances

Choosing Lenten Penances

How do you decide what to give up for Lent? What is the mean between doing nothing and being scrupulous? How can we thread the needle between growing in our spiritual life and being overwhelmed by it? Join Adam Cross and I as we talk about these from the perspective...

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Thinking About Psychology

Thinking About Psychology

Here I take up some thoughts about what the DSM-5 says about depression. Next I consider what Aristotle and St Thomas say about the certitude and nobility of Psychology. Here I also consider a study that shows that over half of all psychological studies are not...

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Raising Teens

Raising Teens

Enjoy this recap episode of the Color Of Thought Podcast and be sure to become a Patron of the Color of Thought in order to keep more episodes coming your way!

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Dr Kevin Kilkawly

Dr Kevin Kilkawly

How do we as Catholics approach the study of psychology? What does Aristotle teach us about treating trauma? Join me and Dr Kevin Kilkawly as we talk about these questions and much more. Dr Kilkawly can be found at his website integrativepsychologyservices.com Daniel...

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