
Values Grounded Parenting

Values Grounded Parenting

Join me and Dr Michael Redivo as we discuss his Values Grounded Parenting program and book. www.valuesgrounded.com Daniel Johnson · Values Grounded Parenting with Dr Michael Redivo

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The Problem of Defining Masculinity

The Problem of Defining Masculinity

Alright, the Color of Thought does work during the Great Quarantine of 2020. Adam and I have another conversation about masculinity. Rescources: www.AdamCrossMFT.com Daniel Johnson · The Problem of Defining Masculinity

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Ides Of Corona with Michael Severance

Ides Of Corona with Michael Severance

What am I going to do under quarantine? How do I maintain my spiritual life? How can I help my friends and family? Together let us turn to the Eternal City and see how our brother in the faith Michael Severance is answering each of these questions. Michael Severance...

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Choosing Lenten Penances

Choosing Lenten Penances

How do you decide what to give up for Lent? What is the mean between doing nothing and being scrupulous? How can we thread the needle between growing in our spiritual life and being overwhelmed by it? Join Adam Cross and I as we talk about these from the perspective...

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How do I change

How do I change

How do I change? Change requires a knowledge of the end and the and the means to that end. Join me as I consider this and digress about treating grief and loss!

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Why should I find a Catholic Therapist

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