What is Therapy? What is it meant to do?
Difference Between Therapy and Life Coaching
Different Kinds of Therapists, Imagination, and Raising Teens
Join me this week as I distinguish some of the major differences between the various kinds of therapists, I also examine what Aristotle says about the imagination, and I talk to my friends Raymond and Nicole Tittmann about what it’s like to raise Catholic Teens.
Treating OCD, Sight, and Spiritual Direction
Join me as I consider the methods of treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Aristotle’s treatment of the sense of sight, and I begin to answer the question, “What is the relationship between psychology and spiritual direction?”
OCD, Sensation in General, and Anxious Children
Join me on the show today as I consider Obsessive Compulsive and its related disorders from the DSM-5, I take a look at what Aristotle concludes about what is true of all the senses and I consider why anxiety and depression are different in children.

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Why should I find a Catholic Therapist
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