About Daniel Johnson

Daniel Johnson, MA, LMFT, is a Catholic psychotherapist serving clients in California, Arizona, and Nevada via Telehealth services.

Daniel received six years of formation at St. Michael’s Abbey in Orange County.

He extensively studied Thomistic theology and philosophy, and other branches of the Catholic intellectual and spiritual tradition.

The studies were intense, but he could sometimes take breaks working in the garden or sacristy.

For about five years after leaving the abbey, he taught Modern History, Sacred Scripture, and other subjects at the abbey’s affiliated high school, and later at St. Monica’s Academy in Pasadena.

Owing to his years of formation in the abbey and in teaching at Catholic schools, he brings to his counseling and therapy work a deep understanding of the Catholic view of human nature and our ultimate end.

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While teaching at St. Monica’s, he graduated from Phillips Graduate University in 2016 with a Master’s degree in Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy.

After this he worked for two years as a counselor for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Catholic High Schools, with Counseling partners of Los Angle. There he learned more about the problems that specifically affect adolescents. 

While Daniel is able to help patients of many different ages, he specializes in helping young men with depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings, and self-harm, as well as those making crucial life transitions and discernment decisions.

He currently volunteers as a lector at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in Pasadena, and in some charitable endeavors, together with the Knights of Malta, at St. Francis Center in Los Angeles.