What is Therapy? What is it meant to do?
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The Difference Between Spiritual Direction and Therapy
It is a rare week that one of my coreligionists doesn’t ask some version of the question, “I go to spiritual direction, why would I need a therapist?” While I do not presume to be able to perfectly explain the difference I do hope to offer some useful thoughts along...
The Role of Mentors in a Teens Life
It is no revelation to parents that adolescents – teenagers – require different parenting skills than younger children do. This is never more apparent than when the adolescent, raised in a family with a clearly articulated morality rejects this in favor of the...
The Changing Time of Adolescence | Guest Post for CatholicTherapists.com
Adolescent is a Latin word meaning to grow up or nearing maturity. Anyone who actually has an adolescent in their house will be tickled to know that the word is very closely related to alere, another Latin word meaning to eat. Whereas the word teenager simply...
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